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Foto: geöffneter laptop mit Kaffee und Smartphone ©  visitBerlin, Foto: Murat Deniz

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© visitberlin, Foto: Philip Koschel
Press news

From overtourism to undertourism

Berlin, 27. May 2021

Berlin needs tourists to bounce back from corona, says visitBerlin's Burkhard Kieker. Interview with Berliner Zeitung

© visitBerlin, Foto: Wolfgang Scholvien
Press news

Setting an example for Berlin's new start in tourism

Berlin, 17. May 2021

International interest in Berlin travel can currently be seen at the largest travel trade fair for the Middle East, ATM

visitBerlin news

New infographic: Berlin as an open-air gallery

Berlin, 21. May 2021

Urban Art: Our graphic by artist Jim Avignon offers 18 street art locations for a discovery tour, with 3 murals per location

© Getty Images, Foto: Maskot
visitBerlin news

visitBerlin's Plan B for events

Berlin, 16. March 2021

Plan B.erlin. Berlin looks forward to events and has worked out solutions with partners to make them happen responsibly

© iStock.com/fotografixx
visitBerlin news

Multimedia material on Berlin trend topics

Berlin, 15. March 2021

Highlights 2021, U5, BER, culture & culinary in Berlin: With our new research texts we inform press and partners.

© visitBerlin, Foto: Chris Martin Scholl
visitBerlin news

visitBerlin at the first digital ITB

Berlin, 9. March 2021

The digital ITB Now begins and visitBerlin is looking forward to presenting Berlin's highlights.

© visitBerlin
Press news

Berlin Tourism 2020 between lockdown and summer highs

Berlin, 23. February 2021

Annual Review 2020: 4.9 million visitors and 12.3 million visitor nights / overnight stays drop by 64%


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