Interview with Prof. Dr. Mazda Adli, Medical Director at the Fliedner Klinik Berlin
In our series, we present partners in our Berlin Health Excellence initiative, their specialities and their work in the medical tourism sector. Today: Mazda Adli, Medical Director at the Fliedner Klinik Berlin
Particularly for patients who come to us from the most diverse geographical and cultural regions in the world, many factors play a role which require intercultural understanding - and the skill of adapting a psychotherapeutic treatment to cultural specificities.

In which areas does Fliedner Klinik deal with international patients and the persons accompanying them? And how are you personally involved?
The Fliedner Klinik Berlin is a clinic for psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatics. It has an inpatient area as well as an outpatient clinic. We treat patients affected by the whole spectrum of psychiatric illnesses and mental stresses. We particularly focus on disorders that result from chronic stress, such as depression. Other areas of focus include post traumatic stress disorders, eating disorders, addictions, anxiety disorders and compulsive disorders. International patients are treated in all areas of the clinic. Particularly for patients who come to us from the most diverse geographical and cultural regions in the world, many factors play a role which require intercultural understanding - and the skill of adapting a psychotherapeutic treatment to cultural specificities. Not least due to my own intercultural background, as the clinic’s chief physician I am intensively involved in every individual course of treatment for our international patients.
What particular services does Fliedner Klinik offer international patients and their accompanying persons?
The Fliedner Klinik Berlin offers a programme precisely tailored to the individual needs and psychological circumstances of each patient. We use the latest approaches of the third wave of behavioural therapy in our psychotherapy. Processing and regulating emotions are central elements of this. Our pharmacological therapies pursue the highest scientific standards and are based on the latest findings from scientific research. The combination of the highest scientific aims and an especially personalised and caring atmosphere is what makes being treated at the Fliedner Klinik Berlin unique. All therapies for our international patients are normally conducted in English. Medically-trained interpretors are often available for other languages.
Accompanying persons are closely involved in the therapy if requested. We also assist patients and accompanying relatives in acquainting themselves with Berlin’s cultural environment. If required, we can organise a personal assistant who supports patients and relatives in all day-to-day matters.
Are you planning new measures in the Medical Tourism sector? Can you share your vision with us?
Psychological disorders are one of the most widespread diseases in the world. Nonetheless, in many parts of the world quality psychiatric and psychotherapy treatments are by no means a matter of course or easily accessible. What’s more, psychological disorders are unfortunately still stigmatised in many places and it can take a huge effort to overcome the shame and open up to a doctor about mental health problems. This is the first decisive step on the way to effective treatment. Therefore it is our wish that our psychiatric and psychotherapeutic services are open to patients from all over the world. We are accessible, even if the path to a psychiatrist or therapist is not easy in one’s own home surroundings.
We also offer intensive follow-up outpatient treatment for patients after they have been discharged from our therapeutic care. If necessary, we can conduct these visits via video meetings so the successes of therapy can also be well anchored after returning home.
Click here to find out more about Fliedner Klinik on our website
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