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© visitBerlin, Foto: Thomas Kierok
visitBerlin news

Happy Birthday, pink pillow!

Berlin, 17. July 2023

This is how visitBerlin celebrated ten years of the LGBTQ+ hotel collection "pink pillow Berlin Collection".

© Getty Images, Foto: svetikd
Press news

Open-air cultural programme attracts guests to Berlin in the summer

Berlin, 29. June 2023

Highlights: Kultursommerfestival, Festival „Durchlüften“, „Pride Month", new terrace THF Tower ans museums

© visitBerlin, Foto: Frank Nürnberger
Press news

"Bestival 2023" with more than 1,000 guests from the tourism and event industry

Berlin, 7. July 2023

Congress statistics 2022: Berlin's event industry picks up speed

© visitBerlin, Foto: Alexander Sporre
Press news

Happy Birthday! 10 years LGBTQ+ hotel network

Berlin, 27. June 2023

„pink pillow Berlin Collection“: Berlin’s unique hotel collection for queer guests turns ten

© visitBerlin, Foto: Mike Auerbach
Press news

Fully booked: „Bestival“ in Berlin on July 6 and 7

Berlin, 15. June 2023

Overwhelming interest from all over the world: Well over 800 experts from the tourism and events industry meet in Berlin

© visitBerlin, Foto: Doreen Himsl
visitBerlin news

April statistics: Tourism on the upswing

Berlin, 7. June 2023

Over one million guests traveled to Berlin in April. The city's hotels registered 2.6 million overnight stays.

© visitBerlin
Press news

Special Olympics World Games hosted in Berlin for the first time

Berlin, 9. June 2023

Berlin is expecting a lot of guests for the world's largest inclusive sports event from the 17th to the 25th of June


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