ITB 2024: Visit the World of Berlin
- visitBerlin presents Berlin at stand 305 in Hub27
- UEFA EURO 2024 and the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall are Berlin's annual highlights
- #TourismNeedsDiversity: Showing your face against racism and discrimination
- Invitation to press events on 5 March
Berlin, 4 March 2024 It is the family reunion for tourism professionals: the International Tourism Exchange Berlin, or ITB Berlin for short. The world's leading travel trade fair will take place this year from 5 to 7 March at the Berlin Exhibition Grounds. The B2B format will focus on business, content and networking. visitBerlin will be represented at ITB Berlin 2024 as Berlin's destination management and marketing organisation. Together with TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH and Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER), Berlin will be presenting itself in Hub27 at stand 305 under the umbrella of the Berlin Brandenburg Capital Region. At stand 311, visitBerlin and Brandenburg will be making a clear statement against racism and discrimination: the special area is themed "TourismNeedsDiversity".
Burkhard Kieker, CEO of visitBerlin: "ITB is like a campfire for the international travel and tourism industry: here in Berlin, the state marketing organisations, tour operators, tourism airlines and media are in the best of company. The power of personal encounters is the driving force behind our industry."
Berlin's annual highlights at Berlin stand 305: UEFA EURO 2024 and 35 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall
For visitBerlin, everything at stand 305 in Hub27 this year revolves around these two major annual highlights: the UEFA EURO 2024 and the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The European Football Championship and the numerous events with which Berlin is celebrating 35 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall are once again attracting many guests to the capital this year. Almost 2.5 million fans are expected to attend the UEFA EURO 2024 from 14 June to 14 July. And autumn will mark the 35th anniversary of a very special day for Berlin and Germany: the city will commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989 in many places - a good occasion to go in search of traces in the city of freedom.
There will be activities for both major events - at the visitBerlin stand and on the exhibition grounds. For example, trade visitors can take photos with the UEFA Giant Trophy at the south entrance to the exhibition centre. Selfies can also be taken with the UEFA mascot Albärt at the Berlin stand on 5 March. 6 March marks a special countdown day: UEFA Euro 2024 starts in exactly 100 days, and there will be a quiz about UEFA and the host city Berlin on digital screen walkers on all days of the trade fair.
Special stand (311) of Tourismus Marketing Brandenburg and visitBerlin: #TourismNeedsDiversity
Tourism needs diversity: this is the motto of an initiative by visitBerlin and TMB Tourimus-Marketing Brandenburg at stand 311 in Hub27. visitBerlin invites all trade fair participants to make cosmopolitanism, tolerance and diversity visible on the 30 square metre area. The central elements will be three benches with one half of the seat missing. They will be labelled "No place for racism" or "No place for racism". The hashtags #tourismneedsdiversity and #ITBtogether appear in large letters on the photo wall behind them. Visitors can take a seat on the benches, take photos with a Polaroid camera and immortalise themselves on the photo wall. With this campaign, Berlin's tourism organisation is taking a clear stand against racism and discrimination - and strengthening its commitment to fundamental democratic values.
How to organise a sustainable trade fair appearance
Thinking events and sustainability together: visitBerlin is doing everything it can to ensure that the capital's visitor economy is fit for the future. At ITB 2024, Berlin's marketing organisation will show how this can be done. Together with TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH and BER Airport, it is implementing targeted measures around the trade fair appearance. These include cooperation with a sustainability-certified catering partner, a scanning app that makes business cards superfluous and rental furniture. The Sustainable Event Guidelines from visitBerlin form the basis for this. These help organisers to plan and implement their events sustainably. With success: in the international ranking of the Global Destination Sustainability Index, Berlin ranked sixth among the world's most sustainable metropolises in 2023. Tips for a sustainable visit to Berlin can be found on the visitBerlin website.

So geht ein nachhaltiger Messeauftritt
Veranstaltungen und Nachhaltigkeit zusammendenken: visitBerlin tut alles dafür, dass sich die Visitor Economy der Hauptstadt zukunftsfähig aufstellt. Auf der ITB 2024 zeigt Berlins Marketingorganisation, wie das geht. Gemeinsam mit der TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH und dem Flughafen BER setzt sie rund um den Messeauftritt gezielt Maßnahmen um. Dazu gehören die Zusammenarbeit mit einem nachhaltigkeitszertifizierten Cateringpartner, eine Scan-App, die Visitenkarten überflüssig macht, oder Mietmobiliar. Basis hierfür sind die Sustainable Event Guidelines von visitBerlin. Diese unterstützen Veranstalter dabei, ihre Events nachhaltig zu planen und umzusetzen. Mit Erfolg: Im internationalen Ranking des Global Destination Sustainability Index belegte Berlin 2023 Platz sechs unter den weltweit nachhaltigsten Metropolen. Tipps für einen nachhaltigen Berlin-Besuch gibt es auf der Website von visitBerlin.
Dates of visitBerlin at the ITB
- Please register by e-mail to; ITB accreditation via Messe Berlin
- Tuesday, 5 March 2024
- 8:45 a.m. Press and photo opportunity: Opening of the musical programme in the Messedamm tunnel/ICC during ITB, in the Messedamm/ICC subway
- 10:10 a.m. Official ITB opening tour: Visit by Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner at the Berlin stand, at the Berlin stand, Hub27, Stand 305 & 311
- 11 a.m. Press and photo opportunity: More Eurowings flights for Berlin, at the Eurowings stand, Hall 25, Stand 118
- 12 Press and photo opportunity: Tourism Co-operation Ukraine & Berlin, at the Berlin stand, Hub27, Stand 305
- 12:30 Press and photo opportunity: More EasyJet flights for Berlin, at the Berlin stand, Hub27, Stand 305
- Speakers will represent visitBerlin on 5 and 6 March at the ITB Congress and in panel discussions.
- 15:00 Uhr: Panel „Importance of Branding for Health Tourism Destination Promotion“ mit Michaela Kehrer, Medical Tourism Manager bei visitBerlin, Halle 3.1, Medical & Health Tourism Stage
- 15:30 Uhr: Vortrag „How to acquire big events – Insights into the strategies of Destination Management Organizations“ von M. Oelschlegel, Director Conventions bei visitBerlin, Halle 3.1, Green Stage
- 17:00 Uhr: Vortrag „New Development Trends in China’s Tourism Market“ von Ralf Ostendorf, Director Market Management bei visitBerlin, Halle 7.1a, Orange Stage
- Wednesday, 6 March 2024
- 10:10 a.m.: Stand visit by Wolfgang Schyrocki, State Secretary in the Senate Department for Finance Location: Berlin stand, Hub27, Stand 305 & 311
Strong partners for Berlin
On around 300 square metres, visitBerlin presents the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region - together with over 15 tourism partners:

visitBerlin Partnerhotels e.V.
Berliner Bezirke
Bermark Incoming
Centrovital Hotel
Deutsches Spionagemuseum
Dokumentationszentrum NS-Zwangsarbeit
Filmpark Babelsberg
Living Hotels Berlin
Oder Region Health
Original Berlin Walks
Park Inn by Radisson Berlin Alexanderplatz
TakeTaxi Berlin
Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss
Take Taxi

Further press releases on the individual press events: