Stable upward trend: Almost 8% more visitors in September

Pope visit ensures full hotel beds

Berlin, 10 November 2011 The visit of the Pope and the Berlin Marathon blessed Berlin tourism with a late summer high. The hotels and boarding houses of the city were pleased to welcome about 955,700 guests in September and hence recorded a 7.6% plus. The number of room nights rose by 5% to around 2.1 million. A particularly high number of visitors came from the German market to Berlin (+8.5%).

Foreign visitors were also increasingly attracted by Berlin. Around 358,100 arrivals were counted by the Berlin Brandenburg Statistics Office – a plus of 6.1%. Room nights grew by 4.8% to 878,000. The German capital was particularly popular with visitors from Russia (+24.5%), Poland (+16%) and the Scandinavian countries (Sweden: +15%, Finland: +10%, Norway: +11.3%).

In September 773 accommodation providers with around 122,000 beds were available to the guests.

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