BTM with new logo and new corporate name – the new brand for the travel destination Berlin

Berlin, 15 June 2010 With its new website, Berlin Tourismus Marketing GmbH (BTM) also presents its new logo, which will be the future hallmark of Berlin as a travel destination: from now on, visitBerlin will be used in all worldwide communication relating to Berlin as a tourism and convention destination.

“The term 'visit' is an internationally accepted invitation and we are now presenting Berlin with an easily understandable brand”, says Burkhard Kieker, Chief Executive Officer of BTM. “visitBerlin creates a memorable, emotional point of reference for all visitors to the city.”

Michael Zehden, Chairman of the Board of BTM, welcomes the changes: “With a modern website and the new brand, Destination Berlin is well equipped for the future.”

At the start of next year, a further change will be implemented: from 1 January 2011, BTM will become “Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH”. This name adequately reflects the increased importance of the congress and conference business for the city.

“Over the past few years, Berlin has established itself as a leading international congress destination”, says Zehden. “Alongside tourism, the convention business has become another important pillar of Berlin’s economy. The new corporate name formally communicates our affiliation with this sector.”

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