Press Releases

Pressemappe ©  visitBerlin, Foto: Dirk Mathesius

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The Berlin features focus on a contemporary tourist theme of the German capital – supplemented by quotations, additional research texts, and suitable images. The texts can be used in extracts or edited. Please indicate the copyright visitBerlin. Please forward sample copy to: presse[at]

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© visitBerlin, Foto: Dagmar Schwelle

24 times Berlin in Frankfurt am Main

Germany’s convention capital presents itself at the IMEX

© visitBerlin, Foto: Dagmar Schwelle

Berlin reacts in a flexible manner to the closure of airspace

04/15/2010 - 23:00

© visitBerlin, Foto: Dagmar Schwelle

Visitor high despite cold low

Berlin tourism in February: Far more guests from home and abroad

© visitBerlin, Foto: Dagmar Schwelle

Berlin information with views of the Cathedral

New Berlin infostore opens today nearby Museumsinsel (Museum Island)

© visitBerlin, Foto: Dagmar Schwelle

Annual Statistics 1993- 2009

Overnight stays in Berlin 1993- 2009

© visitBerlin, Foto: Dagmar Schwelle

Tourists love Berlin museums and theatres

One year of monitoring visitors to Berlin cultural institutions

© visitBerlin, Foto: Dagmar Schwelle

Berlin, welcome to New York!

Germany’s Number 1 Congress Destination now Represented in the USA.