Number of visitors and room nights with a clear plus

Berlin tourism defies July rain

Berlin, 8 September 2011 Thunderclouds and downpour did not affect Berlin tourism in July. 903,634 visitors travelled to the German capital (+10.1%). Room nights amounted to 2,213,893 and were 8.7 percent above the prior year period.

Growth is increasingly borne by the increasing share of international guests. 381,539 visitors from outside Germany came to Berlin in July (+11.6%). They spent 1,017,223 nights in the German capital (+11.2%).

“The summer in Berlin has been successful, even with the bad weather variant”, says visitBerlin CEO Burkhard Kieker. “The many museums, bars and event halls saved the vacation for many guests.”

Berlin was particularly attractive in July for guests from Brazil (+23.1%), Australia (+19.3%) and the Netherlands (+24.9%). 771 accommodation providers and 121,056 beds were available for the visitors to the city.

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