Q BERLIN Conference 2022: “The New Unknown – Navigating Zeitenwende” on 15 and 16 September at ICC Berlin
- Q BERLIN is the official metropolitan conference of the city of Berlin
- Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey will host the conference
- For the first time, the conference will take place at the iconic Internationales Congress Centrum Berlin (ICC)

Berlin, 28 July 2022 For its fifth consecutive year, the Q BERLIN conference will focus on the most pressing issues of our time. With the title "The New Unknown – Navigating Zeitenwende", the conference brings together thinkers and politicians to discuss the crises we are facing today, such as the war in Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic and the all-encompassing climate crisis. What impact will the war in Ukraine have on the peaceful European order? What conclusions should we draw from this historical turning point? How can we take a strategic approach to making our societies and our democracies more resilient and fit for the future? And what role do metropolises play in dealing with the kind of global crises we are currently experiencing? Q BERLIN will be held at the ICC Berlin on September 15 and 16, 2022 and will inspire new ideas and solutions for this turning point in time.

The three main topics of the conference will be:
• Transformation & Resilience – On Crises as Change Agents
• Global Cohesion & Solidarity – On Food, Shelter & Economies
• Democracies in Danger – On Free Speech, Propaganda & Fake News
Q BERLIN includes the participation of the mayors of global metropolises and thought leaders in politics, business and science. On the second day of the conference, each topic will be explored and discussed in greater depth during Excursions and Deep Dives.
Burkhard Kieker, visitBerlin CEO and founder of Q BERLIN 2022: "The conference strengthens Berlin's position as a future-oriented metropolis, as a traditional hub between East and West which stands for dialogue, freedom and tolerance. Together with leading thinkers, we want to provide an impetus and orientation for facing the challenges that lie ahead."
Mayoral Press Conference
On 5 September 2022, the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Franziska Giffey, will host a press conference at the Red Town Hall (Rotes Rathaus), during which she will present further information on the final program and speakers of Q BERLIN 2022.
Location: Architectural Icon ICC Berlin
The Internationales Congress Centrum (ICC) Berlin was designed by architects Ralf Schüler and Ursulina Schüler-Witte and completed in 1979. Once Europe’s largest conference center, it became a symbol for a metropolitan, futuristic Berlin. After the building closed in 2014, it faced the threat of demolition before being listed as a historic monument in 2019.
Q BERLIN has been curated and organized by visitBerlin since 2017. It is co-funded by the Senate Chancellery of Berlin and hosted by Berlin's Governing Mayor, Franziska Giffey. The conference is open to a broad audience and welcomes all stakeholders who seek to shape the future. Q BERLIN will take place in a hybrid format, allowing participants to follow the debates live in Berlin and also online.
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We would be delighted to welcome you to Q BERLIN 2022. For press accreditation, please send your full name, your email address and your media affiliationto director@q.berlin.
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