Working for visitBerlin

What you need to know about us

Find out in detail about our work , our organisation and what we at visitBerlin can offer you.

Wer die Welt kennenlernen will, kann sie bereisen. Oder im Tourismus arbeiten. Berlins Gäste brauchen dich. ©  visitBerlin

10 Good Reasons
What visitBerlin can offer you

  • Play a part in promoting one of the most fascinating cities in the world.
  • Varied fields of work in a professional environment.
  • We offer you fair pay and salary development based on the collective agreement for the public sector (TV-L Berlin).
  • Flexible and modern employment conditions with flexitime based on company guidelines supporting the work-life balance, making it possible to combine work and family.
  • A great working atmosphere and highly-motivated teams.
  • Lifetime learning with opportunities for further training, skills acquisition and training. Language courses, some completely free, so you can learn or improve foreign language skills.
  • Free tickets for various theatre and cabaret shows, or opera performances, as well the possibility to book event tickets; plus the reduced BVG company ticket for public transport.
  • Company e-bikes if you are out and about in the city on business.
  • An active staff council ready to assist you at any time – and with a representative for early careers employees and trainees.
  • A company pension with deferred compensation, as well as discounts on travel and leisure activities through visitBerlin membership of the German Travel Association.
Die wichtigsten Botschafter:innen Berlins arbeiten nicht in der Botschaft. Sondern im Tourismus. Berlins Gäste brauchen dich. ©  visitBerlin, Foto:
Alle reden nur von Diversity. Bei uns gibt's sie wirklich: vielfälftige Berufe im Tourismus. Berlins Gäste brauchen dich. ©  visitBerlin

Employee surveys

visitBerlin regularly conducts employee surveys. Here, you can find an overview of the marks that our employees gave visitBerlin. The grading scale is similar to school grades:

• 75% of visitBerliners would re-apply to the company. Grade: 2

• The employees are motivated and like working here. Grade: 2

• Employees say they are happy to work for visitBerlin and are committed to realising our goals. Grade: 1.8

• visitBerliners have a say in the time management of their work. Grade: 2

• There is a harmonious atmosphere in the teams. Grade: 1.9

• The information flow between employees and their direct superiors works well. Grade: 1.8

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Hier informieren wir unsere Partner:innen in der Tourismusbranche über visitBerlin und unsere Aktivitäten:


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Die Jobs u.a. in der Tourist Info wurden in der Presse vorgestellt, hier nachlesen.