Become a visitBerlin partner hotel

Your partner benefits

Berlin is an inspiring place to be. Our expert and global marketing activities showcase Berlin as one of the world’s top city break destinations. We strengthen the diversity, appeal and success of Berlin’s travel trade services – benefitting both the city and our partners.

As a partner hotel, you enjoy a wide range of options on how to leverage all your possible benefits. Select your hotel’s ideal and customised mix to boost your business, combine marketing activities and visibility, and grow your network and earnings – with measures always individually tailored to your own hotel.

Our three spheres of cooperation:

visitBerlin Partnerhotels marketing activities

visitBerlin Partnerhotels is a not-for-profit registered association. It is visitBerlin’s largest shareholder, representing the interests of accommodation providers. As a member of visitBerlin Partnerhotels, you can play an active part in promoting Berlin. Get involved by joining the marketing pillars and working groups, and make your voice heard in deciding which projects should be realised. Find out more about visitBerlin Partnerhotels here.

Bilateral activities

With our range of communication tools from our Hotel Partner newsletter to themed mailings or our Partner Portal, you are the first to hear the latest facts and figures, press releases and news. You can also benefit from our presence at trade fairs, and join us as an exhibitor. We host a broad spectrum of events where you can meet fellow partners and experts and establish a wide network. At our workshops and talks, you can enhance your knowledge of tourism trends, and discover the exciting range of Berlin’s travel trade services at on-site inspections with our partners.

Our TOMAS reservation system

visitBerlin provides its own TOMAS reservation system to reach guests from around the world. Benefit from our diverse distribution channels – online at as well as, on site in the Berlin Tourist Info Centres, and through the Berlin Service Center. Find out more here.

Berlin besitzt eine der modernsten Hotellandschaften Europas. Ob luxuriös oder preisgünstig – die Stadt bietet eine breite Auswahl an passenden Hotels für jede Gelegenheit.

Unsere Hotels im Überblick

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