Our team Your contacts for tourism, meetings and congresses in Berlin

We work for Berlin, where we are at home but also travel the world.  Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH, or visitBerlin in short, has employees delivering comprehensive expertise to ensure that the Berlin feeling is carried out around the world.

Here, you can find an overview of your contacts. Just contact us – we’ll be glad to help!


Our team in Berlin

visitBerlin CEO Burkhard Kieker & Sabine Wendt

Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH is headed by Burkhard Kieker and Sabine Wendt

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Fernsehturm ©  iStock.com, Foto: bluejayphoto

Berlin has a strong international presence

Permanent contacts in the UK, USA and Brazil

Social Media/Networking ©  iStock.com, Foto: Maxiphoto

Our dual students, trainees and career starters

visitBerlin's dual students, trainees and career starters blog about their practical and theoretical experiences.

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Azubi-Tage bei visitBerlin ©  visitBerlin, Foto: Dirk Mathesius

This is how visitBerlin is organised

Find out about the tasks of our different business divisions and view our organigram.

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Konferenzraum ©  visitBerlin, Foto: boonsom

Your personal travel advisor

Do you have any questions?

Contact our visitBerlin travel advisors regarding our offers or personal support.

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Call Center ©  visitBerlin, Foto: Dirk Mathesius