Sustainable Berlin Become part of the sustainable movement

What is Sustainable Berlin?

With Sustainable Berlin, Berlin-based companies in the tourism and event industry can acquire a sustainability certification and receive comprehensive guidance along the way. The certification criteria are fully and internationally recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).

What's the catch?

There is none. The certification is made possible by funding from the Berlin Senate's resilience programme to support the sustainable development of Berlin tourism

Together for a sustainable destination

Sustainability is literally crucial for a liveable future. We want to promote Berlin as a sustainable destination and that is why we need you! Together, we are driving the transformation of Berlin's tourism sector. In the end, everyone will benefit: because we are not only concerned with conserving resources, but also with preserving Berlin as a unique cultural and urban space. Become part of the sustainable movement now!

Sustainable Berlin Commitment

Your introduction to sustainability

  • Self-commitment based on 11 principles
  • Making initial commitment visible
  • Not yet certified
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