Our Corporate Structure
Our organigram
Our company is headed by our Chief Executive Officers, assisted by authorised company officers. visitBerlin’s key tasks are reflected in the internal corporate structure, with four Business Divisions responsible for the various aspects of our marketing and sales activities. These are integrated into the global promotion of Berlin in the conventions sector and travel trade, the comprehensive communications and marketing activities and all the company’s sales and distribution tasks. The Spokesperson staff unit is directly under the Executive Management, as do Press Spokesman, Controlling, Head of Marketing and the Cultural Office. The company’s Operational Steering departments ensure in particular that the internal processes are harmonised and aligned quickly and efficiently.

Our tasks
Executive Management
In addition to Burkhard Kieker, who has headed visitBerlin since January 2009, Sabine Wendt became the second Managing Director since January 2024. They are responsible for the worldwide promotion of Berlin in the tourism and convention sectors, to maintain and develop the brand of Berlin as well as destination management and corporate development.
The task of the "Controlling" department is to manage and control the budgets of all corporate divisions, specifically liquidity monitoring as well as earnings management and monitoring.
Destination Management & Corporate Development
Destination Management & Corporate Development is responsible for strategic planning, for steering the company’s operations, and for internal processes. The department’s remit not only includes corporate planning and priority setting for interdepartmental projects, but also market research and statistics, as well as visitBerlin’s central management of crisis situations.
Destination Development
The "Destination Development" department looks after the tourism partnerships and stakeholders in the city and is thus the point of contact for partners from the twelve Berlin districts, the hotel industry and culture, as well as for tourism service providers. To achieve the goals of the Berlin Tourism Plan, we have dedicated ourselves to the following core competencies: district tourism management, sustainable tourism development, citizen participation and acceptance, accessibility as well as lobbying and networking.
Corporate Services I Human Resources & Legal IDigital IT
The "Corporate Services" department bundles all administrative tasks of the company. It is made up of the Logistics, Central Purchasing / Procurement and Organization teams.
The "Human Resources & Legal" department is responsible for all human resource management and for legal advice. In addition to personnel recruitment and management, Human Resources Management is also responsible for personnel support and development. The legal department provides advice, assists with award procedures and draws up organizational instructions and company agreements.
Our "Digital & IT" department ensures the technical infrastructure for the company and drives digital projects forward.
Destination Marketing
Destination Marketing is responsible for the overarching and uniform marketing of Berlin as a tourism and convention destination and is coordinated by the Management's Marketing staff unit. The implementation of visitBerlin campaigns and cooperations as part of our city marketing activities is carried out by the Berlin Convention Office, Communications and Market Management departments.
Communication consults with all the individual departments in visitBerlin, advising on their communication activities for projects and specific target-groups. Marketing & Communications also initiates its own measures to generate a distinctive and positive public image to position the city of Berlin as well as visitBerlin, to heighten the visibility of Berlin as a travel destination, and to acquire new customers for the visitBerlin communications channels and hence for the company’s products.
Market Management
The Market Management department is responsible for positioning and marketing Berlin globally as a top tourist destination.The team is the main contact for the national and international travel industry, as well as for international media. The core tasks are the establishment and growth of worldwide multiplier contacts and their maintenance. The aim is to position tourism-related offers and market-specific themes that visitBerlin and its stakeholders consider to be conducive to sustainable tourism within the city. The Market Management department implements various activities and events in the markets and represents the company at networking events related to the international travel industry. The department is also responsible for health, LGBTI, premium and coach tourism.
Berlin Convention Office
The Berlin Convention Office (BCO) is the official Convention Office for the city of Berlin, and promotes Berlin in the sectors of meetings, conferences, and incentives as well as major events. The BCO is responsible for positioning Berlin nationally and internationally as a top destination for meetings and conventions. The core tasks also include providing information and advice to customers on planning, preparing and organising events in Berlin. The BCO also designs its own events, participates in trade fairs and develops new congress formats.
Product & Sales
Product & Sales supports the entire spectrum of the company’s commercial activities. This Business Division is dedicated to managing, developing and launching all visitBerlin products, as well as their marketing and distribution. The range of distribution channels includes the city’s Berlin Tourist Info Centres, which provide visitors with advice and information during their stay in the city. The field sales force additionally develops and supports the distribution channels though the hotel and retail sector. The Service Center is a main point of contact for visitors before they leave on their trip to Berlin, offering advice on all tourist products for the city and assisting with bookings. Product & Sales is also responsible for all e-commerce activities.